Maza vs. Turla, G.R. No. 187094 February
15, 2017
P: Leonen, J.
FACTS: Maza and others are former members of the House of
Representatives representing Gabriela, Bayan Muna, Anakpawis. Inspector Palomo
named 19 individuals including Maza and others for the 3 killing of the
supporters of AKBAYAN, a rival of Bayan Muna and Gabriela. Palomo recommended
that a preliminary investigation be conducted and that an Information for each
count of murder be filed against the 19 individuals.
Prosecutor Lapus issued a subpoena requiring Maza
and others to testify at the hearings. Maza argue that the Provincial
Prosecutor had no jurisdiction to conduct the preliminary investigation since
no valid complaint was filed against them. 2 Informations for murder (Palayan Cases)
and for kidnapping with murder (Guimba cases) were filed.
Judge Turla, the presiding judge of RTC held that the
proper procedure in the conduct of the preliminary investigation was not
followed in the Palayan cases. That Maza and others were deprived of their
right to a full preliminary investigation preparatory to the filing of the
Information against them and ordered the Prosecutor to conduct the preliminary
investigation on the incidents subject matter.
ISSUE: Whether or not the admissibility of evidence can be
ruled upon preliminary investigation.
HELD: No. The admissibility of evidence cannot
be ruled upon in a preliminary investigation. In a preliminary investigation, the
public prosecutors do not decide whether there is evidence beyond reasonable
doubt of the guilt of the person charged; they merely determine whether there
is sufficient ground to engender a well-founded belief that a crime has been
committed and that respondent is probably guilty thereof, and should be held
for trial.
A preliminary investigation is merely preparatory to
a trial. It is not a trial on the merits. Since it cannot be expected that
upon the filing of the information in court the prosecutor would have already
presented all the evidence necessary to secure a conviction of the accused, the
admissibility or inadmissibility of evidence cannot be ruled upon in a
preliminary investigation.
The case is remanded to the RTC
for further proceedings with due and deliberate dispatch in accordance with
this Decision.
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